Home Style Page 14


The 2020 Trends You Should Stock Up On Now

With spring around the corner, new fashion trends are already emerging, making us excited for the new season styles. Here are some 2020 trends fresh off the spring runway that you should stock up...

The Most Perfect Lounge Pants for the Homebody

Let’s get personal. Your dear writer is a writer through and through — she works from home and thus spends most days at home writing to you from her desk. Do you think your...

How to Wear Heels with Socks

So you’ve traveled over to the dark side and are ready to flirt with breaking some supposedly unbreakable fashion rules — you want to wear heels with socks. We applaud your bold taste and...

How to Dress When Going Outfit Shopping

Dress shopping can be as exhilarating as it can be tedious. Some people get excited at the thought of rummaging through endless racks of clothing options before trying them on. Some people are happy...

How to Clean Suede Shoes Properly

Suede boots may be a staple in many wardrobes, but most people don’t know how to take care of them. This soft leather requires special attention to keep its velvety texture. If your favorite...

Coolest Sustainable Denim Brands That Won’t Break The Bank

The fashion industry is the second-largest polluter in the world. Fast fashion has transformed shopping, but it also had a significant impact on the environment. And jeans are one of the most harmful to...

What To Expect in Airport Style in 2020

You either love airport fashion or hate it- there's no in-between. Some people think if you wear anything other than sweatpants and a hoodie to the airport, you're crazy. But other people see the...

Five Fashion Brands That Recycle Your Old Clothes & Give You Store Credit

It has become evident that we are in a global crisis when it comes to trash and recyclables. We see efforts to combat the crisis with products like paper straws and cardboard takeaway boxes....

Fashion Hacks To Try in 2020

These hacks will help you look more put together. They will also help you to achieve suitable outfits more efficiently. Sometimes the little things can make your life so much easier, which is why...

For a Mere $1,199.00 You Can Do All Your Dry Cleaning At Home With...

Are you tired of lugging all those clothes to the dry cleaners every week? It's a task almost as exciting as doing laundry. Not to mention, all those dry cleaning costs add up! So,...


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