
The December holidays are known as relationship testers. Your loved one has made it through the initial Thanksgiving dinner only slightly scathed, and now you return for Christmas or Hannukah after your family has had a month to gossip and decide on his or her faults. Society forces you to buy presents for your family members, and often more challenging, for one another. Now as mid-February approaches, you’ve made it through the emotional minefield of the holidays and onto Valentine’s Day: a cheesy, simple holiday that requires a price-gouged prix fixe at dinner, maybe some chocolate, and a convenient excuse to bring up that thing your partner isn’t doing in bed. But now, once again, pastry chef Dominique Ansel has changed the game.

We can all agree that the Cronut™ is the right combination of luxury, sexy, and doughnut to provide the perfect Valentine’s Day present. For a paltry $100, each #CronutIsForever gift set includes two Cronuts™ and a handcrafted pendance capsule filled with brass Cronuts™ flakes, cast from real pastries. The #CronutIsForever Valentine’s Day gift set provides one final test for your relationship. Will your significant other love this necklace? If not, lose that bitch.

To perform this important relationship test, get in virtual line via the Virgin Mega app (available on iTunes or Android) starting on Wednesday, February 11 at 3 p.m. EST. One-hundred Cronuts™ will be hand-delivered to lucky couples. The messenger will also be on hand to call out your significant other if she don’t start crying when she first sees the Cronut™. Is your relationship ready?


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