The way we eat has a massive impact on the environment. Beeswax wraps and metal straws are getting more and more popular, but there are still huge strides that need to be made with eating sustainably. Eating plant-based is a known way to eat more sustainably, but that is just not realistic for everyone.

There are simple ways you can change up your eating habits that will have a more positive impact on the environment, without having to change your diet completely. These are a few:

Eat less meat

An obvious one, but eating less meat doesn’t have to mean cutting it out of your diet entirely. Making simple changes, like choosing a plant-based snack over cheese and meat, or incorporating #MeatlessMonday into your week, will make all the difference.

Waste less food

Remember: your eyes are bigger than your stomach. If you always find yourself throwing away half your plate, it’s probably a good idea to make less food. The average household throws away about 30% of its food! Try freezing food that’s close to going bad, using leftovers, and eating fresh fruits and veggies before they go bad.

Shop locally

You might have to travel further distances for this once, but shopping locally is a great way to eat more sustainably. Not only are you supporting a local business, but you’re also finding locally grown fresh produce and helping the environment. And don’t forget to bring your own reusable grocery bags!

Eat your veggies

To eat more sustainably, it’s crucial to eat your veggies. Try filling half your plate with vegetables or fruits and planning your meal around plants, not meat. There are tons of ways to prepare veggies in delicious ways that might just make you fall in love with Brussels sprouts and broccoli.

Buy seasonally

There’s a reason why fruit prices skyrocket in the winter! Save money, and the environment buy food shopping seasonally. Whether you’re getting your groceries from a farmer’s market or the grocery store, shopping seasonally avoids eating foods that have to be shipped overseas.


Not everyone has the time and effort to compost, but if you do, it’s definitely something you should get into! Composting food helps to reduce food waste and minimizes the amount of food that ends up in landfills.