A fun-size Butterfinger here. And small packet of M&Ms there. Next thing you know, you’ve downed way more Halloween candy than you intended. Rather than beating yourself up and hiding the evidence, er, wrappers, you can burn off those calories, increase your energy and get a mood-boosting endorphin rush to boot.
Sport Chalet fitness expert Paul Smedley shared the easiest ways to burn off five of the most popular Halloween treats:
Fun-size Snickers (80 calories). To burn off at least one fun-size Snickers, slip on your sneakers and take a 30-minute stroll outside.
Mini Reese’s peanut butter cup (40 calories each). This savory-sweet treat has the lowest amount of calories in the bunch, so burning it off is fairly easy: Pick up a set of dumbbells and lift weights (try biceps curls and straight triceps kickbacks) for 12 minutes.
Fun-size Butterfinger (100 calories). You made that Butterfinger disappear. Now make the calories vanish with 25 minutes of Pilates.
Fun-size M&Ms (93 calories). Grab a kettlebell and do a mere 5 minutes of kettlebell squats to burn off one package of these colorful candies.
Fun-size Babe Ruth (95 calories). Take a hike—literally. Spend 15 minutes hiking in the great outdoors, and you’ll burn off that Babe and boost your mood.