The Right Nutrients Promise Longer, Stronger Nails
The right nutrients promise longer, stronger nails.
Don’t Let Your Stress Show
Are you a worrier? Worry can do more than wreak havoc on your mental state; it's also bad for beauty.
Hand Sanitizers Are Handy, But May Not Be So Healthy
Your hand sanitizer's handy, but is it healthier than hand washing?
Gratitude Can Lower Your Stress Levels
Thank you, gracias, merci beaucoup... Showing gratitude can have a direct impact on your mood.
Being Happy All the Time Isn’t Good for You
Go ahead, wipe that smile off your face. New research shows that being unhappy is just as important as being happy at times.
Sleep Eight Hours to Stay Healthy and Happy
American sleep deficits: burning the midnight oil can mean serious consequences for your health.