Morning Tea

Ear Hair Intensifies as You Age

Earmark this little tidbit: There's a symptom of getting older that can get a little hairy. And Botox won't help this one bit.

Wearing a Hat Doesn’t Cause Baldness

Breathe easy, boys. That old myth about hats causing baldness has been turned on its head.

Humans Kiss to Feel Happy and Bonded

We hate to kiss and tell, but there's a biological reason humans lock lips.

Blind People Sense Love in Unique Ways

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but what if you couldn't SEE your beloved?

Your Hair is a Smelly Sponge

When your hair absorbs nasty cigarette smells, simple fresh air won't fix the problem.

The Way an Animal Looks is All About Evolution

A zebra's hypnotic stripes aren't just decoration.

Use Pain-Relieving Ointment With Caution

Aspirin can absorb through your skin.

Some Male Animals Flare Their Nostrils to Flirt

My, what big nostrils you have! The weird animal behavior that reeks of love and romance.

Gossiping Can be Good for Your Health

Pssst. Rumor has it, women gossip for good reason, and it's not just to get the latest on that torrid love affair.

Pick Your Pregnancy

Can you defy the odds? Though the sex of a child seems random, it may all boil down to natural selection. A recent hypothesis believed that women are able to adjust their offspring's sex based on...


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