Home Morning Tea Page 126

Morning Tea

Kids Prefer Fun, Multi-colored Plates

Kids prefer plates with lots of color and yummy things to eat.

More Babies Are Conceived in December

Conception rates are highest in December!

Commuting Is Tougher on Women

The daily commute may harm women more, especially moms.

Cosmetics are Safer Than Ever

A campaign to remove dangerous toxins is paying off.

Keeping Secrets Isn’t Good For You

Hiding secrets like infidelity can harm your health, study says.

Your Doctor’s Weight Can Impact Your Own

Overweight doctors are more likely to overlook a patient's weight issues.

The Boob Tube Can Shorten Your Life

Even one hour of TV time can cut down your life span.

Extreme Stress Can Change Your Brain

Major life stresses can alter the brain and stress-coping abilities.

Ex-Sex Might Not Be So Bad For You

Sleeping with a former flame might have, err, benefits.

New Alzheimer’s Detection Announced

Brain scans can detect Alzheimer's risk early.


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