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Why the Workplace Is a Hot Spot for Romance

A few key factors make the office a perfect target for Cupid's arrows.

Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel: Can Breakups Lead to Marriage?

Ever known a couple that broke up only to get engaged shortly after getting back together? Find out why (and what Justin Timberlake has to do with it).

Attachment Styles: Favorite Male Characters

The way you relate to others can mean all the difference between a relationship flourishing or falling apart. Not sure what attachment style—secure, avoidant, or anxious—you or your partner has? Let these well-known dudes...

Attachment Styles: Favorite Female Characters

The way you relate to people affects all of your relationships, be it with a spouse, friend, work colleague, relative or romantic fling. Your “attachment style” is a key component, but it’s tricky figuring...

Put Your Breakup Behind You

A new book, The Breakup Bible, offers helpful tips for moving on from a breakup or divorce, including the one thing you must do to move on.

Solving Your Relationship Problems

Love woes? Here are two simple first steps to improve your relationship.


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