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Our Brains Are Built for Friendship

Close relationships are so important that your friends are-neuroscientifically speaking-like pieces of yourself.

Date Online for Marital Bliss

A new study shows that couples who meet online are more likely to be happily married (and less likely to break up) than those who met other ways.

The Ups and Downs of Long Distance Relationships

How to make it work when you're miles apart-and when to walk away.

5 Tips for Couples Tackling The Money Talk

Don't let fights over money put a rift in your relationship. Learn how to have "the talk" productively and painlessly.

Loving Someone Who Doesn’t Love You Back

In light of Baz Luhrmann's "The Great Gatsby" premiere, we take a look at the brain in love-and how to move on when love is unrequited.

Could Depression Be Contagious?

Research shows that your friends' vulnerability to depression can "rub off" on you. Here's how to protect yourself.

Floss Your Teeth to Get Out of Debt

Healthy habits-like flossing every night-can get you on the track to developing good habits in other areas of your life.

How to Handle a Workplace Bully

Stuck in a hostile work environment? Try this seven-step plan to knock your bully down a peg.

What’s the Big Deal With Ben Affleck Working On His Marriage?

We should be patting Affleck on the back for his dedication rather than questioning whether his marriage is in trouble.

How to Prevent a Breakup

Watch out for these relationships blunders that could cause your honey to decide they want out.
