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7 Questions to Ask On Your First Date

First dates are anything but easy. It doesn’t matter how many dates you’ve been on, that initial date is nerve-wracking. And often one of the biggest questions with the first day is: what are...

How to Dirty Talk for Beginners

As straightforward as it sounds, dirty talking in bed can be intimidating. It’s a great way to spice up your sex life and turn on your partner, but knowing what to say and actually saying...

5 Tips to Keep the Spark In Your Relationship

There comes a time in all of our relationships when we can feel that things might get a little monotonous. It’s easy to slip into a sense of being so comfortable with our partners...

The Types of People You Need in Your Life

We all have many different people in our lives, and we intuitively know how different they and how different the roles they play within our lives are. Some of them are integral to our...

From Ghosting to Breadcrumbing: Dating Term Vocabulary You Need to Know

It's 2020- if you're not confused by at least some of the dating terms out there, serious kudos to you. There's a dating term for basically every situation out there. You could write a...

How The Betty Dodson Method Makes You Orgasm

You might hear that name a lot more often lately, thanks in part to “The Goop Labs” docu-series on Netflix. Betty Dodson first came to New York City in the ‘50s hoping to become...

What is Emotional Cheating?

When someone says, “They cheated,” we immediately imagine a physical situation in which one partner was physical, whether one time or on a long-term basis, with someone besides their partner. But cheating is more...

5 Things That Cause a Low Sex Drive

A low sex drive: we’ve all been there. Having a low sex drive can develop from a variety of sources, and it’s perfectly natural. Sometimes we’re just not in the mood, but sometimes a...

The 7 Sexiest Movies Ever

Getting ready for a steamy date night? "You" on Netflix doesn't compare to some truly classic, sexy Hollywood flicks. The best part about this kind of movie night? You don't have to sacrifice beautiful...

TED Talks to Inspire More Love in Your Relationship

You can go to your friends and family all you want for relationship advice, but sometimes what we really need is a third-party voice. It could be someone who doesn't know you, your partner...


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