
With warm weather rolling in, farmer’s markets are just starting to offer gorgeous displays of heirloom tomatoes, and planting season is in full swing.  The abundance of colors alone is enough to bring a smile to my face.Haven’t we all sampled a store-bought tomato, particularly in the depths of winter, that not only doesn’t taste good, but it doesn’t taste of anything at all? That’s because tomatoes that ripen on the vine—the ones you buy locally or grow yourself—are packed with more nutrients (and more flavor) than the ones that ripen in transit.I’ve often been asked how one tomato plant can help my everyday wellness. Let me tell you, it’s really so simple.Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant responsible for their beautiful color. This makes for a beautiful fruit and a healthier you. Research has shown that lycopene may lower cardiovascular risk and the risk of some cancers. Plus, the carotenoids (including lycopene) help give skin an even, yellow tone. Tomatoes can even help protect you from sun damage. Who doesn’t want all that?WATCH VIDEO:MORE: Want Gorgeous Skin? Grab Some Produce!To reap all the health and beauty benefits, plant a tomato today.You don’t need a garden, nor do you need to be a gardener. Take it from me, a tomato plant will grow in a pot, on a ledge, on your desk, and almost anywhere else you can find sun. And just think, there are so many varieties, each with different, intense flavors.  If you want to keep it simple, cherry tomatoes are big sellers in my house!Consider planting your tomato in one of three locations: First, you can plant a tomato in your garden, in well-fertilized soil.  Be sure to have a stake or cage ready, as you’ll need it when your plant grows (it will!).  Window boxes or hanging pots are also pretty, and in this case, functional.  Surround your tomato plant with marigolds, and not only will you have brought beauty into your life, but the marigolds will keep those pesky slugs away from your tomato plant.  Or, consider a hydroponic system—although perhaps more expensive and intense, this can be a really efficient method, too.COLUMN: Prep Tomatoes (& Other Foods) For Bigger Beauty BenefitsWhich method you choose doesn’t matter—what you enjoy doing is what you do best.  Me, I prefer planting my tomato in the garden.  Somehow, plants in pots and me with a watering can are not a happy combination!Most tomato plants will bear fruit in as little as two months.  And in the meantime, while waiting for those nutritional benefits, you’ll have the added benefit of physical activity.  Someone’s got to weed and water your plant, after all!So plant that one tomato plant, and let me know how it goes.
