A New Take on The Old Sweet Potato Standby Recipes
One of our newest superfoods is one of our oldest—the sweet potato. The little tuber kept early settlers and Revolutionary War troops going, and one Colonial doctor described the native food as “the one...
Fight Back Against Winter’s Chill
Most of us have a personal threshold for unacceptable cold, and plenty of winter still lies ahead to test our limits. You may shiver painfully just at the thought of temperatures dipping below 50...
How To Outsmart Criminals While Traveling
Your safety is your #1 responsibility, which is why you must employ various methods in order to prevent crime from happening. It doesn't mean being as extreme as walking around with a surveillance camera...
Are You Being A Martyr? Here Are 3 Reasons To Stop
A martyr is someone who sacrifices themselves in order to help or save something, someone or everyone. It comes across as noble and heroic in movies, but something sad actually happens to real life martyrs. Once you become...
Give Yourself A Break From Negative Thinking
Make a New Year’s resolution to show yourself compassion while you work on quieting the negative thoughts that plague all of us.
Some people are more prone to negativity than others, although evolution prompts all...
Five Things To Celebrate In 2017
Good things are coming in the New Year! Not many of us want to spend the last few hours of 2016 watching the worn-out year slide off into the sunset. Let’s turn our attention...
How To Climb Your Career Ladder Fast In 2017
If your goal is to make more money this year and enjoy greater career satisfaction, you're not alone. The New Year tends to be a time when many people seek to boost their career with a promotion or a...
Absolutely Last-Minute Gifts You Can Score On Christmas Day
Absolutely Last-Minute Gifts You Can Score On Christmas Day
You made up with your estranged boyfriend over Skype very late last night on Christmas Eve. Or you are running through the airport on Christmas Day...
Gifts For People From Every State
It's the night before Christmas. All gifts should be wrapped and tucked under the tree. But, if for some reason, you still need a gift, here are some last minute items that'll do the...
Order Today And Pick Up Technology Gifts On Christmas Eve
No doubt about it, tech gifts top the list of presents most of us want to find under our tree. Whether your friend is a high flyer or fitness aficionado, you can find something...