Ask any actor – 4 a.m. call times and all night film shoots aren’t exactly the key to a good night’s sleep. For Debi Mazar, who suffers from insomnia, strategizing how to sleep had to become a priority. From her debut in 1990’s “Goodfellas” to her long-running stint on “Entourage,” Mazar knows the importance that healthy sleep habits play in a well-balanced career.
“In my line of work, the single most important thing I can do to be my best self is getting a full night of uninterrupted sleep,” Mazar said in a statement. Mazar’s shuteye strategy includes a regular bedtime routine. She has a set bedtime every night, and wakes up early to get her children ready for school. She also recommends working out earlier in the day as opposed to after work, which is proven to help your sleep cycle. Debi’s right — participants in a similar study who exercised in the morning as opposed to the afternoon or evenings had deeper sleep cycles and slept longer. (Another bonus? Folks who exercised in the mornings had a 10% reduction in blood pressure during the day and a 25% dip at night.)
READ MORE: 10 Reasons You Can’t Sleep
Of course, we also need to put down our phones for a good night’s sleep: Mazar steps away from all electronic devices before bedtime (as should you!) and sets her phone on Do Not Disturb to ensure an uninterrupted sleep.
In addition to making lifestyle changes, Mazar also uses a new sleep medication, Silenor, aimed directly at insomnia sufferers. She’s helping to launch the brand and insists that the 12% of Americans diagnosed with insomnia (and many silent sufferers) get help: “Once I realized how much my nightly sleep correlated with to my own personal sense of well-being and productivity, I made it a priority.”
READ MORE: How to Treat Insomnia Naturally