Most of us spend way too much time indoors.We know this, and yet because of work, lifestyle, family or maybe just habit, we continue to do so anyway. And too much time indoors can lead to unhealthy lifestyle choices. (Example de jour: walking through the kitchen, grab a snack; stay rooted in your favorite chair for hours, etc).MORE: Sneak Exercise Into Your DayGreat news: the answer might be just waiting for you outside your front door. Just to be sure, I tested it myself this morning: dropped the kids at school, grabbed a bottle of water and some sunscreen, and headed for the hills. Being outside, taking advantage when possible of nature (or even a city block), has many proven health benefits. I believe that much of chronic disease can be treated with lifestyle modification, specifically exercise, stress management and improved nutrition (and fortunately, a growing body of sound scientific evidence backs me up on this one!).QUIZ: How Much Energy Do You Have?Walking around the block, hiking in a canyon, watching a sunset…these are easy ways to improve your physical fitness and reduce your stress levels.But what if your work or family life make it difficult to take advantage of nature. Then what? Fortunately, this is where your creativity gets to play: what about bringing in a few beautiful leaves to decorate your table? Or maybe pick a handful of acorns and put in a bowl. Or just opening your front door and sitting on the steps. Or stopping at night before your get in your car to look up, see if you notice the moon or perhaps a constellation (big dipper, anyone?).Bring others in on the action—what ideas do your kids have? Friends? How can you bring nature into your day at work—can you go outside at lunch? Can you walk by a window or visit an atrium if your building has one? What about bringing in a flower or a pine cone for your desk?QUIZ: How Much Fitness Do You Fit Into Your Day?In the June 2010 issue of the Journal of Environmental Psychology, researchers presented data linking exposure to nature and an increased sense of vitality. They noted that their findings are relevant to both mental and physical health. “Research has shown that people with a greater sense of vitality don’t just have more energy for things they want to do, they are also more resilient to physical illnesses. One of the pathways to health may be to spend more time in natural settings,” says Ryan.So, look outside today, grab a hat if it’s too sunny or an umbrella if it’s too wet, and go for it! You’ll not only feel better, you’ll be better for it. MORE: Do You Live in an Active Community?