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Strengthen Your Weak-Ass Nails

Need some nail rehab? Find out what could be making them split and break, and follow these expert-approved tips and product suggestions to get them back into tip-top shape.

The Foot Exfoliator That’ll Disgust You-And Then Turn You Into an Addict

What it is: Baby Foot Foot Exfoliate Peel, $25 What it does: Naturally sloughs the layers of dead skin off your feet, leaving them as soft and smooth as if you'd never walked a step...

Last Night’s Workout: Bokwa Dance Aerobics for the Non-Dancer

Whether you're a dancer looking for a new class to try, or someone who can't move to the beat if your life depended on it, this class is a great way to break a sweat without feeling like you have two left feet.

YouBeauty-Spotify Official Giveaway Rules and Terms

YouBeauty 185 Madison Avenue, 7Fl, New York, New York 10016 YouBeauty-Spotify Official Giveaway Rules and Terms (“Official Rules”) NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE DOES NOT INCREASE THE CHANCES OF WINNING. 1. Eligibility. The...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About High Heels

Wait-heels can be good for you? These facts may surprise you.

Ask a Scientist: What Are Muscle Knots?

The Scientist: Brian Hoke, D.P.T., a physical therapist and medical educator at Atlantic Physical Therapy in Virginia Beach, Virginia The Answer: If you’ve been sitting at the computer for too long and have that familiar...

The 5 Best Fitness Apps

Get out of that workout rut and drop your excuses for not working out while on vacation or because you can’t swing a gym membership. These five fitness apps—several of them free—will help you...

What They Don’t Tell You About Preventive Mastectomies

YouBeauty's fitness expert Tracy Hafen has elected to surgically remove her healthy breasts in light of her high risk of breast cancer. Here, she weighs the downsides of the surgery.

The 5 Best Apps for Losing Weight

Want to drop some extra pounds but need a little push? There’s an app for that! In fact, there are several apps that can make losing weight easier and fun. (Yes, fun.) Use them...

Last Night’s Workout: FitWalker at Superstar Gym

This Italian treadmill-like machine that you power yourself makes its stateside debut at Superstar Gym in NYC.


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