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10 Questions About Your Vagina, Answered

We have the expert answers to those pressing and ultra-personal questions about your nether regions.

Post-Workout Hair Tips From Someone Who’s Always Sweating

KP DanceBody's Katia Pryce on her tried-and-true drugstore finds, her go-to gym bun and what finally cleared up her acne!

It’s Hand Mirror Day!

Vagina Month was so good the first time, we're going down there again. Let's start off with a little self-exploration, shall we? (And no, this is not an April Fool's Day joke.)

Turn Your Instagram Into Nail Art: Meet the NailSnaps App

This wins our award for the most innovative beauty invention of the week: Because you've always wanted to wear your Instagram snapshots on your fingernails, the new NailSnaps app lets you turn your photos...

Ask a Scientist: Is There Such a Thing as Being ‘Big Boned’?

The Scientist: Claudette Lajam, M.D., assistant professor of orthopedic surgery at NYU Langone Hospital for Joint Diseases and a spokesperson for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons The Answer: In a word, yes, there really...

Stalk Your Exercise: 4 New Fitness Trackers

Fitness tracking devices are still having their moment. These gizmos, gadgets and bracelets promise to overhaul your workout, daily movement and even your sleep. All of the data they offer can help reinforce healthy...

6 Fitness Moves to Get in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Shape

Sports Illustrated supermodels may be blessed with great genes, but that doesn’t mean they can kick back and let nature do all of the work. Maintaining a camera-ready body takes lots of dedication and...

The Color of Sexy

YouBeauty1. Fleur of England Amour Boudoir Bra, $138 & Bow Tie Brief in Scarlet, $1822. Mademoiselle Necklace in Red, $423. Tarte Cheek Stain in Natural Beauty, $304. Ciaté Boudoir Nail Polish , £95. Fratelli...

The Color of Sexy

YouBeauty1. Fleur of England Amour Boudoir Bra, $138 & Bow Tie Brief in Scarlet, $1822. Mademoiselle Necklace in Red, $423. Tarte Cheek Stain in Natural Beauty, $304. Ciaté Boudoir Nail Polish , £95. Fratelli...

Relax, Internet-Gwen Stefani Wasn’t Body Shaming!

Gwen Stefani's recent tweet about her teenage body has sparked a debate about her "poor body image" and the example she set for fans. We think this shit is bananas.


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