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Calvin Klein Thinks This Is How “Plus Size” Looks

Myla Dalbesio is a 27-year-old model getting her big break with Calvin Klein’s “Perfectly Fit” campaign. The attention is even more exciting because she’s considered to be Calvin Klein’s first plus size model. However,...

Qcut, New Jeans Company, Designed 400 Custom Sizes of “Denim That Fits”

As a five-foot-tall woman who buys ankle jeans as actual jeans because I'm too short for regular lengths, I’m very excited about a new jeans company that makes “Denim that Fits." As Fast Co. Design reports,...

We Tried It: Tastyface Organics Tahitian Vanilla Lime Sea Salt Body Scrub

The creator said she was inspired by her favorite "adult beverage," the margarita.

Study: Obese Women Earn Less, But Work More Physically Demanding Jobs

You may have heard of the "obesity penalty," the finding of a 2006 study that linked white woman's weight gain to a loss in earnings. A new study out of Vanderbilt University seeks to...

15 Closets More Revealing than Christian Grey’s In New “50 Shades” Trailer

In the new 15-second trailer for "50 Shades of Grey" we learn that Christian Grey wears the exact same suit every day, a la someone with undiagnosed OCD or any cartoon character. The man...

Even The Tech World Wants Us to Do Kegels

"There's a lot of data calibration going on."

Hippo on Birth Control Gives Birth

Is anyone casting for "I Didn't Know My Zoo Animal Was Pregnant"?

Can You Get Pregnant On Your Period?

Ask us, not Yahoo Answers!

Scratching Really Does Make That Itch Worse

New research backs up what your mom was trying to tell you for years.

Amanda Seyfried, Overweight Actress?

We all assume that body image pressures on actresses — and yes, it's mostly actresses — are insane. So infrequently, though, do actresses themselves speak up about it. That's why we were a little...


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