Miracle of Science: British Woman Wants to Give Birth to Dead Daughter’s Child
After her daughter's death, one woman hopes to use her eggs through IVF.
Well, It Happened: Woman Caught Masturbating During “50 Shades of Grey”
Another notch on Jamie Dornan's resume.
A-Listers Are Wearing the Same $20 Nude Thong
"When it comes to nude thongs, I always choose Commando."
Shailene Woodley Confused Ansel Elgort With Her Natural Deodorant
"I didn't really see how you could put it on."
California Mom is “Much Happier Being Fat”
Mother of five wrote a beautiful essay about being happier while overweight.
Dove and Twitter Want Us to Not Tweet Mean Stuff During the Oscars
The #SpeakBeautiful campaign encourages us to turn ugly, negative tweets into beautiful, positive ones.
Photographer Gives Her Glittery Take on the Damaging Effects of Beauty Standards
Hannah Altman shows us a new way to look at blood, vomit and tears.
On Learning to Love Myself Naked
When I visited a nude beach, I realized the only person making me uncomfortable was me.
Kim Kardashian’s Breasts Have Their Own Makeup Artist
"Kim doesn't want to be known for just her backside."