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10 New Victoria’s Secret Models Announced

Ever since Karlie Kloss and Doutzen Kroes hung up their Angel wings, we've been dying to know who would be granted their coveted spots in the fleet of Victoria's Secret models. Would it be Gigi...

Join the Largest Ever Online Yoga Conference on April 30th

The power of the Internet has finally made it so we don't even need to leave our houses to attend a fitness class. Streaming can get you in on classes with high-profile trainers like...

Wendy Williams’ Rant is Exhibit A of What NOT to Say About Bruce Jenner

Last week in New York City, I attended a taping of "The Wendy Williams Show" as an audience member. That happened to be the day the host discussed Bruce Jenner's gender transition — the subject of a...

Abercrombie & Fitch to Stop Hiring Based on Hotness

Suburban mall favorite Abercrombie & Fitch is ending its infamous "Look Policy" that just wouldn't die, even after an argument in front of the Supreme Court. Business Insider reports that today, just three months after the retirement of...

New Study Questions Bikram Yoga’s Safety

Bikram yoga, or hot yoga, has become insanely popular over the last few years. Chances are, there's a studio that offers it in your city or town. But a new study suggests it may...

How to Fix 5 Common Foot Problems for Runners

Blisters, black toenails and calluses"¦cured!

Fitness Instructor Cassey Ho Photoshops Herself in Body Positive Video

Cassey Ho is a 28-year-old fitness instructor and creator of Blogilates.  You may not think a fitness instructor, of all people, would be the target of online hate, yet like Pink, Kelly Clarkson, and so many others, she’s...

Last Night’s Workout: Box and Bell at BFX Studios

There really is no better therapy than throwing around a few solid punches and breaking a sweat.

Miley Cyrus’ Armpit Hair Has Everyone Talking

So, we seem to be having a Julia Roberts/Madonna/Hilary Swank armpit situation again, this time with the one and only Miley Cyrus. Miley has decided not to shave her armpits (for the time being), and...

Laverne Cox Is First Transgender Woman to Pose Nude for ‘Allure’

Allure Magazine’s annual “Nudes” photography feature is known for bringing out raw beauty among Hollywood’s elite. This year’s spread has a gorgeous round up that includes Jordana Brewster, Sandrine Holt, Nicole Beharie, and Katheryn...


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