3 Fitness Studios Share Their Best Workout Songs in Epic Playlists
There's nothing worse than breaking a sweat right at the moment your playlist chooses to shuffle out "A Whole New World." Depending on your mood and your mindset, jams should either be perfectly in tune with your workout or...
The Dangers of Extreme Exercise
We’ve never been ones to downplay the wondrous effects of regular exercise. Far beyond weight loss, even a little regular physical activity can have massive health benefits: It boosts your mood and energy, strengthens your...
Plus Size Model Denise Bidot Unapologetically Embraces Cellulite In New Swimsuit Campaign
When you think of the perfect summer bod, what comes to mind? "Thigh gap"? An hourglass figure? Flawlessly smooth tan legs? Wrong. Here’s a serious newsflash: It’s time for you to start pulling a Beyoncé....
This Mom’s “Perfect Body” Selfie Inspired Over 125,000 People
Musician and mother of four Kimberly Henderson has always gotten compliments on her "perfect" body. But she wants others to finally know exactly what "perfect" looks like: it comes in all shapes and sizes and...
Last Night’s Workout: AntiGravity Suspension Fitness
New workouts pop up every day, and wouldn’t it be nice to try before you buy? In our Last Night’s Workout series we sweat, stretch and shimmy our way through the latest exercise crazes and...
Yikes! Over Two-Thirds of U.S. Adults are Overweight or Obese
We all know that Americans tend to be a little more on the heavier side compared to the rest of the world when it comes to weight. But a new report published in JAMA Internal...
How to Clean At-Home Hair Removal Messes
The Solstice just came and went, which means that summer is officially in full swing! It also means that many of you are feeling the effects of the uptick in seasonal hair removal. And...
6 Body Positive Fitness Accounts on Instagram to Follow
We use social media for everything nowadays, from reading the news to finding a recipe for dinner to getting some fitness inspiration. Instagram is flooded with tons of these "fitspo" account, but it's hard to tell...
America, We Had Over 3.5 Million Rounds of Botox Last Year
Have you had any work done? If you haven't yet had cosmetic surgery, you will soon, according to TIME's new cover story. In a piece called "Nip. Tuck. Or Else," writer Joel Stein made some very convincing reasons why cosmetic procedures...
The “Belly Button Challenge” Is Pure Body-Shaming
Twitter has given birth to yet another inane "challenge" for those who like to prove themselves on social media. For the "belly button challenge," which began on Chinese social media, teens reach an arm behind their...