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Send Your Body a Message to Relax and Go to Sleep

Try yoga breathing if you want to send your body a message to relax, reduce pain or go to sleep. Most of us breathe fast and shallow during our busy lives. Rapid breathing tricks...

Sculpt The Body You Want With These Bang’n YouTube Workout Videos

Who needs to pay for expensive workout DVDs when there's YouTube? Sure, they're great to have when you're interested in having a full program. But, when you're just trying to get a quick workout...

Avoid These Five Weight-Loss Pitfalls

Three or four weeks have passed since you started working on that ambitious weight-loss resolution. Now the going seems tougher since you have dropped only a few pounds or the bathroom scale is stuck...

Stop Stretching Before A Workout – Do This Instead

Are you doing anything special to warm up before your workouts? “Back in the day”, a warm up used to consist of doing what’s called static stretches where you’d hold a stretch for several...

Want to Wear Those Red Carpet Cutout Gowns? Slim Your Torso with These Exercises

So you want to look like Jennifer Lawrence in her stunning red Dior gown at the Golden Globes? You’ll need a streamlined, firm torso, and we have the regimen that will give you the...

A Deck Of Playing Cards + This Workout Will Transform Your Abs

It doesn't matter if you're new to working out or seasoned, the workout below will shake things up in your routine making your journey to killer hot body even more fun. But first let me ask, which area of...

Gift 7: Sleek and Sophisticated Water Bottle

Who knew that something as simple as a water bottle would say so much about one's personality? Depending on the style and functionality of a bottle, you kind of know whether the person is a...

Gift 16: Light Hiking Shoes Will Keep You from Sliding Away

Want to burn some calories and stretch some muscles? Or do you want to give a Christmas gift to someone who has ambitions along those lines? Then get up, get out and let Fido take...

Gift 19: Futuristic Yoga Mat For The Obsessed Yogi In Your Life

Do you have a die-hard yogi (or wanna be) in your life? Then consider giving a fun gift that will provide the perfect support during yoga with SmartMat. Unlike traditional yoga mats that are only designed to prevent hands and feet from slipping,...

Inner Thigh Workout: 5 Ballet-Based Moves to Tone and Tighten

Have you looked at a ballerina’s long, lean legs lately? There’s a good reason ballet workouts have become so popular recently: They work. We asked Mary Helen Bowers, professional ballerina, founder of fitness method Ballet Beautiful and trainer to...


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