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Is It Possible To Be “Fat But Fit”?

For years there's been a dark stigma on society that says if you're packing on more pounds than most that you're automatically unhealthy. There's also this running myth that if you're thin that you're automatically in great shape. This...

Don’t Let Bum Knees Stop You from Being Bootylicious

Bad knees holding you back from going hard after the lunges and squats you think you need to carve out a beautiful butt? The secret is that you can build a better butt without...

Extra Caffeine Can Give Even Coffee Fiends an Added Exercise Jolt

One extra cup of coffee an hour before your workout may make exercising easier and boost your performance even if you have been chugging joe habitually, according to a new study published in the...

How to Sculpt a Bikini Body in Just Three Weeks

Reshape your body in a very short time by mixing high-intensity interval workouts with total-body strength moves. A beach body is only three weeks away when you melt fat and boost metabolism with these...

Losing a Small Amount of Weight May Prevent Diabetes

Losing a relatively small amount of weight and increasing exercise can put the brakes on the progression of prediabetes into full-blown Type 2 diabetes. People with prediabetes have blood sugar or glucose levels that...

How To Workout & Take 9 Years Of Age Off Your Body

We hear it all the time…”working out is good for you”, “working out keeps you healthy”, “working out keeps you young”. But, did you know that working out can literally reduce cellular aging? Just because...

5 Terms You Always Hear In Fitness Class That May Be Confusing

Have you ever heard a fitness term that left you totally confused? Maybe you heard it during yoga, in a group class, or on a fitness video. Even though a lot of fitness terms are commonly used, if you're new...

6 Squat Exercises That’ll Burn Off Every Cheat Meal

A cheat meal is a meal where you treat yourself outside of your normal eating routine. Instead of feeling guilty about it, lighten up. Your weight won't get completely out of whack because of it, especially if you...

Best Free & Paid Yoga Classes Online

If you want to get your yoga on, but don't live anywhere near a yoga studio, it may feel discouraging. Or, maybe you do live near a yoga studio, but don't have time to get there....

Stop Stressing. It’s Making You Fat.

Women who remain stressed out for long periods of time may be at risk for piling on pounds. British researchers recently collected hair samples from 2,500 women and men in a four-year study and...


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