Home Fitness Page 35


Too Busy for the Gym? Bust Fat with This Home Cardio Workout.

A full-body cardio workout at home can be yours when there’s no time during a busy day to get to the gym. Here’s how it works: This fat-blasting session calls for four warm-ups followed...

Take the Tracy Anderson Challenge to Banish Belly Fat

Looking for some moves to tone and flatten your belly in double-quick time? Tracy Anderson has five exercises that are a cinch to trim your waist and banish muffin top. There’s no need to...

Try These Moves To Get Rid Of Your Love Handles

Those pesky love handles are often the last thing to go when getting in shape. It could be many reasons for that, but one of the main reasons is because people don't target them...

4 Ways To Reduce Risk of Injury During A Workout

Staying fit is great. Getting injured sucks. But when you workout regularly, there's a chance that you can suffer from an injury like a sprain, strain, or even a break. If you know the...

Best Workouts To Do Before Bed

A lot of people believe that exercise before bed is a recipe for a restless night. But, there are actually some workouts that will help you sleep just fine (while ensuring you're getting your...

Simple Item You Already Have That Will Make Your Workout A lot Easier

Losing weight and getting in shape can be hard work. The hardest part about it is usually getting and staying motivated. Sure, you can get a personal trainer, or do buddy workouts, but for a...

Take These Steps to Protect Against Breast Cancer

A vigorous exercise program such as fast cycling or running could reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as 17 percent. Eating less saturated fat and drinking less alcohol also could help....

Should Your CrossFit Trainer Double as Your Nutrition Coach?

This advice from CrossFit that may sound reasonable: "Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat."...

Slow Down for Rehab After an Injury

Rushing to get back in the game after a knee or hip injury can set you up for painful post-traumatic osteoarthritis down the road. Slow down and take time for rehabilitation to cut the...

Sculpt a Strong Back and Get Rid of Bra Bulge

Hate bra bulge but have no clue how to get rid of back fat? The answer to sculpting a strong back is working the muscles in your upper body for a defined look. You’ll...


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