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Go Low Intensity for a Lean Body

A leaner, trimmer body can be yours with just a slow walk on a treadmill for two hours each week. Sounds tempting, right? You’ll need to pay special attention to nutrition, and you’ll find...

Chilling Reminders Warn Us to Get Flu Shots

The December death of a 21-year-old Pennsylvania bodybuilder studying to become a personal trainer serves as a reminder that the young and healthy can die from the flu. A pregnant woman in Tennessee lost...

A Few Small Habits Add Up to New Year’s Fitness

Better health and greater happiness can be yours in the New Year without spending a lot of time and money on expensive gym memberships or fad diets. Set goals based on adding a few...

12 Workout Habits You Don’t Want To Adopt This New Year

Is working out a part of your New Year's resolution?  Having concrete fitness goals is a good thing, as long as you don't adopt any "bad" fitness habits. Most of these habits like going straight...

Most Loved & Hated Fitness Products of 2017

Every year, there's a new fitness product created that promises to be all the rave. This year was no different. Some claim to help you lose weight or build muscle in an instant. Others...

No Love Lost: How To Get Rid of Unwanted Love Handles

With a quintessential name like “love handles”, you’d think it’d be something everyone would want to sport on their bodies, but it’s in fact the exact opposite. Love handles is that extra cushion on...

How To Become a Fitness Celeb On Instagram

Are you in great shape and know in your heart of hearts, you can help others get in great shape too? Why not consider becoming an Instagram fitness guru? You've seen them before.... They are...

Try This Daily 3-Minute Exercise After Having a Baby

Having a baby is a joy and a blessing, but the extra pounds left around the middle is not. To achieve a tight mid-section again, you’re going to have to put in a little work...

How to Make Room for Fruit and Veggies on Your Plate

Struggling to get two pieces of fruit and three cups of vegetables - equivalent to one large salad - into your daily diet? If so, you are one of the more than 290 million...

Try This Formula to Find the Amount of Water You Need

How much water should you really drink each day? We’ve heard for a long time that it’s eight cups. Recent studies have revised the amount so often than most of us are left confused....


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