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Signs You’re In Shape And May Not Realize It

You're doing everything you can take great care of your body. You're working out, eating a pretty clean diet and drinking plenty of water. Yet, you may feel like you're still not in great shape....

The Juicy Tush Transformation Exercise

There's probably not a person on the planet who doesn't want a nice tush. One that's plump with a lot of perk to it. But unfortunately, not everyone has one - even those who work hard for...

Ask a Scientist: Are Waist Training Corsets Safe?

The Scientist: Gina Sam, MD/MPH, Director of Mount Sinai Gastrointestinal Motility Center, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Attending Gastroenterologist The Answer: Waist training corsets, also called waist trainers, are popular with celebs right now for putting external...

How Fast Do You Lose Strength Skipping Weight Training?

Taking a little time off from weight training won’t sink your entire workout routine, and trainers even say a day’s break can do you good. What happens exactly to your body when you start...

Set Your Workout Free with Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises aren’t boring, they’re basic. This simple, effective approach to fitness does not rely on machinery or equipment or free weights to make your body stronger. You’ll use the weight of your own...

Rebound After Pregnancy with This Workout Plan

Actor, writer and producer Mindy Kaling became a new mom with the December birth of her daughter, Kit, and now she’s sharing her strategy for losing baby weight. She says she thought that adding...

Natural Remedies to Ease Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Problems with diet and emotional stress can trigger some very unpleasant digestive issues. Can we think of anything more undesirable than diarrhea, constipation, cramping, bloating and tiredness? Yuck. These are symptoms of irritable bowel...

The Mindset Of A Six Pack

If you want to know the secret to getting a six pack, or the secret to reaching any other fitness goal for that matter, it could all be as simple as a change in...

Stretch and Strengthen Your Aching Back

Chronic low back pain sneaks up on us slowly over time as unused muscles grow stiff and inflexible. Sitting all day contributes to weak abdominals, poor posture and tight hip-flexors. Tight hamstrings and hip...

Halle Berry’s Trainer Dishes Secrets To Her Sexy Strong Arms

If you're looking to build strong arms, who else better to listen to than Halle Berry's trainer? His name is Peter Thomas and he recently sat down for an interview with POPSUGAR to share secrets...


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