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New Juul E-Cig Lowers Nicotine But Magnifies Impact, Say Critics

The top U.S. e-cigarette manufacturer is working to develop a pod that is lower in nicotine but higher in vapor. High-nicotine products that give off just a wisp of vapor have put Juul Labs...

Reset Out-of-Balance Hormones for Weight Loss

Hormones that are out of whack can defeat your best efforts to lose weight even though you’ve banished carbs from your diet and you live at the gym. Hormonal imbalances are often overlooked, but...

Variety in Diet May Increase Your Waistline

Sticking to a diet that limits choices, not calories, may help you control weight and prevent Type 2 diabetes. Experimenting with new foods did not help people in a recent study lose weight or...

Belly Blasters to Reclaim Your Slim Waist

Comfort food in cold weather is blissful but indulgence in macaroni and cheese can turn six-pack abs into muffin tops in no time. Adopt waist-whittling exercises that work deep into your core waistline to...

Halle Berry Wants to See Some Muscle in Your Workout

Halle Berry looks more like she is 21 than 51, and Instagram followers know the secret is dedication to her keto diet and exercise regimen. Her trainer Peter Lee Thomas says the star emphasizes...

How to Turn Conference Calls into Mini Workouts

Stuck at your desk for a conference call that drags on forever? Seize the opportunity to get in mini-workouts to break up your sedentary work day. Butt toners, core strengtheners, ab tighteners—you name it,...

Strengthen Hip Flexors for Less Pain (and a Toned Butt)

Hips are often overlooked in fitness programs, but your workout can include exercises to give your hips and lower back a break from the pain that comes from constant sitting. The flexor muscles that...

Give Your Body a Break from Sitting

Sitting puts your muscles in a short, contracted position, and reduces your range of motion. Sitting more than eight hours a day does enough damage to shorten your life, and that holds true even...

Learning to Breathe All Over Again Pays Exercise Benefits

Correct breathing is an essential part of an exercise program, but you may have to learn how to do it if you are just beginning exercise or resuming exercise again after a break. “Say...

Flexibility Training Is the Third Element of Your Fitness Program

Aerobic exercise builds cardiovascular endurance and burns fat. Weight-training increases strength and lean muscle tissue. If you work on those two elements of physical fitness, you’ve got a total program, right? Not quite. If...


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