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The Single Best Exercise for Toned Biceps, Says Science

This science-backed move isolates the biceps muscle for stronger, sexier arms.

Practice These Five Exercises for Better Sex

Sex is not a spectator sport. You need stamina, technique and strength to put those feel-good bedroom positions into play. You need some essential assets, but you find it hard to get to the...

Study Says E-Cigarettes Help Smokers Quit

American experts are expressing caution about a UK study that shows e-cigarettes help adult smokers quit smoking at a rate almost twice as high as people who use traditional therapies such as nicotine patches...

Give Protecting Your Back a Workout

Some exercises that flatten the tummy aren’t designed for people who suffer from back pain. Crunches and double leg lifts are popular, but they can put strain on your spine and lead to lower...

Thirsty and Tired? You May Need More Than Water.

Dehydration can be a prime culprit making you feel tired and sluggish. If we admit that we aren’t drinking enough water, it’s not surprising we all feel the need for a nap. Nutritionists say...

Skip the Gym and Strengthen Your Whole Body

Chances are good that you can relate to how Jillian Michaels started 2019 after a roller coaster year of ups and downs. She found herself hoping for better times after the destruction of her...

Tone Your Thighs with Spot Training

You can’t spot-reduce thigh fat, but you can tone and strengthen your thigh muscles with spot training. Schedule leg workouts twice each week with a favorite exercise from each of these three groups: Lateral...

Small Tweaks Add Up to Losing 10 Pounds Easily

If you only want to lose 10 pounds, you may have something in common with the dieter who’s been on a successful campaign to lose a lot but can’t seem to drop those last...

Barbell Hip Thrusts to Maximize Your Booty Building

Looking for a kinder, gentler way to build your booty? Try the barbell hip thrust, and you’ll be able to train glutes with heavy weights while skipping potential back pain. This Instagram...

A Pro Divulges Tricks for a Flatter Tummy

You eat the right foods (mostly) and you faithfully work out (usually) but the midriff fat lingers (forever!) so what’s the deal? If you can’t get the bulge to budge, you need to resort...


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