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5 Ways to Work Out While Traveling

Whether you’re traveling for the holidays or a vacation, maintaining your habits while traveling can be tough, especially when it comes to your workout routine. Keeping up a healthy lifestyle in our comfort zone is...

The Best Cardio Workout Videos On Youtube You Can Do at Home

Not one likes to spend big bucks on gym memberships, and some also enjoy the privacy, flexibility, and convenience of at-home workouts. When I was starting my weight loss journey, I didn’t join a gym....

Which Type of Cardio Is Best For Building Muscles

It's a widespread belief that doing cardio will eat up your muscles. Wrong, it won't. Choosing your cardio exercises according to your body type can help increase the body recovery time and also help...

How Long Does it Take to Get Flexible With Yoga?

A lot of people want to get in shape as fast as possible with yoga, whether it’s to help relieve tension or to get flexible. Yoga helps tremendously with both. Many people who try yoga...

Top 5 Yoga Retreats to Visit In 2020

Yoga is a Sanskrit word that means uniting the individual spirit with the universal spirit. In layman terms, it means to hit the reboot button for the soul, so it starts fresh. Yoga not only...

Leggings That Will Make Your Butt Look Amazing

It's completely normal to get a confidence boost when our butt is in perfect shape, especially after months and months of hard work at the gym. We've finally come to a time where people,...

How To Workout When You Don’t Feel Like Working Out

Imagine this: you set your alarm for 7 a.m. so you could squeeze in a quick workout before class. You know you're going to be super sore from your previous workout, but you set...

Yoga Poses to Reduce Full Body Tension

We tend to build up a lot of tension in our bodies due to daily activities like sitting for long periods, workouts, stress, or even always being on our phones. All these things make...

Workout Moves That Target Inner Thighs

It's not pleasant winding up with thigh chafe marks. And while a lot of it depends on the shape of your hips, you can take steps to tone up the inner thigh area. Toning...

5 Reasons To Take A Weeklong Break From Working Out

Whether you like it or not, working out is great. The rush of adrenaline, the feeling of satisfaction, the gains, and the overall progress can be somewhat addictive when you've passed the beginner levels....


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