Weight Loss Myth: The Dreaded Plateau
It's easy to blame your body for stalling, but what if you are your own worst enemy?
Easy (Free!) Weight Loss Plan
Forget gimmicky, expensive fat-burning plans or complicated workouts. Here is your low-stress, simple plan for maximum fat loss with minimal time loss.
FTC Rules Toning Shoes as Bogus
Reebok pays $25 million to settle deceptive toning shoes advertising charges from The Federal Trade Commission.
The Best (Proven!) Way to Treat Varicose Veins
New research points to foam injections as your best bet.
The Spirit Junkie’s Secret to Loving Your Body
Four simple steps to accepting and loving your body-just the way it is.
Video: Interpreting Your Waist Measurement
How to measure your waist and what that measurement means.
Video: Why Does Your posture Shift During Pregnancy?
Discover how a growing uterus forces your spine to change its shape.