Every year, there’s a new fitness product created that promises to be all the rave. This year was no different. Some claim to help you lose weight or build muscle in an instant. Others promise to make your workouts a breeze. Only thing is, you never can tell which ones live up to the hype until you actually try them. See which fitness products were a hit and which ones were a miss in 2017:
- One of the top products of 2017 was the Under Armour Gemini 3 Re Smart Shoes. These “smart” sneakers are the perfect combination of wearable tech. With the power of Bluetooth technology, the shoes connect to an app on your phone that records your running speed, distance and overall performance.
- Another product that delivered big this year was the Commercial 1750 Folding Treadmill. With 38 built-in apps, this folding treadmill is ideal for those who want to stay fit, but are limited on space. According to reviews from treadmillreviews.net, this particular treadmill is actually considered one of the year’s best buys.
- Among the worst fitness products of 2017 was the T: ABDOMINAL TONER PADS. This product promises to help you be free from obesity, however, there isn’t much evidence that these pads can help.
- Another product that failed to live up the hype was the POLAR M430 GPS RUNNING WATCH. This new fitness watch was expected to be a big hit with heart rate-monitoring and GPS technology. It failed however, when users complained of how unreliable it was and hard it was to sync the watch to their smartphones.
READ MORE: The Best and Worst Fitness Products of 2017