
Imagine this: you’ve been working out pretty consistently for a few months. You put off weighing yourself until you really feel like you’ve lost weight. And when that day comes, you step on the scale with confidence, only to see that you haven’t lost any weight after all. You might have even gained a few pounds. And with that, all that hard work feels pointless.

But, is weight gain from exercise really all that bad? Actually, it’s quite the opposite. Weight gain from working out usually refers to the muscle you build. Weight, in general, is not a good indicator of how fit you are.

Weight changes quickly and can vary between 5 to 10 pounds each day. So, if you step on the scale after working out for a few weeks and notice you’ve gained a few pounds, don’t freak out! Weight is not indicative of how fit you are. Muscle weighs more than fat, so when you work out consistently, you gain muscle. Thus your weight goes up.


When you’re gaining muscle, your body is going to change, and that’s completely natural. And when your body changes, your weight is most likely going to fluctuate.

We also tend to have bigger appetites the more active we are, so that could be another contributor to weight gain. However, eating more when you’re active is entirely reasonable and preferred. Calories are a source of fuel for your body, and if you deprive yourself of necessary calories and try to work out, your body is going to give up on itself.

It’s essential to eat when you’re hungry. It’s natural to feel more hunger the more you exercise, so don’t deprive yourself of that necessity. Food is fuel!

So, if you just jumped on your scale and are feeling super discouraged, remember that weight gain from working out is entirely healthy. Don’t obsess over what the scale says. Instead, listen to your body and mind and go off of how YOU feel!