
It seems like there’s an exercise or technique for every part of the body. From the abs to the biceps, calves, and chest region, once you work out for some time, the results likely show.

We have pecs exercises, and men regularly focus on bulking and firming their chests. So what about females? Can we firm up our chest?

Does it work?

Asides from age, other factors that diminish the perkiness in one’s breasts include pregnancy, hormonal changes, weight loss, etc. These factors do not just affect the perk in the breasts, but they also change their size and even shape.


Pushups and other chest exercises can potentially increase breast firmness. However, breast lifting exercises will 100% not work to restore the breast perkiness. The truth is, once your breasts succumb to gravity, there’s little you can do to restore them in terms of exercise. Your only chance of a remedy is surgery. This is because once the ligaments in the breasts stretch, they cannot shorten. There are creams out there that promise to restore perkiness, but there’s only so much that creams can do.

The breasts are composed of glands, fat, and ligaments, and these cannot tighten through exercise. However, the pectoral muscles of the chest just beneath the breasts can be strengthened. Although this will not drastically improve the firmness of one’s breasts, it can create a slightly lifted appearance.

To build up your pecs, do weight presses, pushups, and chest flys. Don’t expect miracles! The difference may be very minute, and you may likely end up disappointed. If you’re really looking for a lift, your only option might be making the plastic surgery appointment and going under the knife.

In summary, there’s really little you can do via exercise to increase your breast’s firmness. However, you can prevent them from sagging further by eating healthy or maintaining your weight! A fluctuating weight will inevitably cause your breasts to sag. As far as creams, chances are that you’ll spend lots of money and have nothing to show for it. The only resort is a breast lift or breast augmentation.