Home Fitness


Sleep Routine Ideas for Better Sleep

Celebrities have been telling us about their sleep routines lately. That's great; sleep is crucial, and we live in a culture with a tricky rest/work balance. Yet, it's not always helpful to get sleep...

How To Identify and Treat a Yeast Infection

As women, we tend to know our bodies inside and out, and it’s usually easy to spot when something isn’t quite right down there. There are many different vaginal infections you can get, for...

The Benefits Of Walking 10,000 Steps A Day

Walking is an underrated exercise, but it actually has incredible health and fitness benefits, especially when you incorporate it into your daily routine. It is recommended that we aim to walk 10,000 steps a...

4 Ways To Tackle Cellulite

Cellulite is common among women, but it is also completely normal and is nothing to be ashamed of! However, you may feel like you want to improve the appearance of it. Although there is...

Use Art Therapy to Get to Know Yourself

Using art as a form of therapy has proven successful in helping individuals cope with stress and tension. If you want to get to know yourself better and lighten the burden of stress in...

3 Things Mentally Strong People Will Never Do

Mentally strong people set themselves up for a successful life. They know how to overcome any challenges that may deter them from getting ahead. They do not keep score of their misfortunes or wallow...

How to Properly Check Your Breasts

We’re all aware of the dangers of breast cancer. Although 9 out of 10 lumps found are non-cancerous, it’s incredibly important that you regularly check your breasts and always go to your doctors if...

These Two Stretches Will Reliever Pregnancy Pains

When you're pregnant, maintaining a fitness regime can be challenging, and you obviously need to adapt to suit your new physique and listen to your body and its limits. Stretching during pregnancy has many...

Feeling Sore Post-Workout? Here’s What You Should Do

You ever have an intense workout, feel amazing afterward, but then wake up the next day and can't move? Yeah, we've all been there. Feeling sore post-workout is the absolute worst. Not only does...

How to Squeeze a Workout into Your Work Day

Let's face it: we're all busy, even if we're working from home. We work long days, sometimes even into the night, and by the time work is over, we're exhausted, starving, and ready for...


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