If you were clinging on to any leftover hope that Walmart had a shred of respect for its customers, a Jezebel tipster caught the world’s largest retailer advertising its Women’s Plus Size Halloween section as “Fat Girl Costumes.” I guess when you sell electronics for 15 cents, you have to cut costs somewhere and scrimp on copyediting that doesn’t insult a huge segment of the population.The label was taken down this morning after all the negative attention, including complaints on Twitter. Walmart is clearly trying to scrub evidence of their huge PR mistake from the site – when you search for “fat girl costumes” you are no longer linked to plus size outfits. The first hit is instead an (equally offensive) “American Indian Girl Child Halloween Costume of a young girl in a fringed dress where Walmart suggests you “transform your little lady into an enchanting tribal Indian…it comes with a fringed suede-look dress with Indian style ribbon trim and headband for a look of beauty.” I’m taking a deep breath and vowing to remember this moment come Black Friday.Clearly plus-size women (all women, really) would do better to shop for their Halloween costumes elsewhere. If you need a little last-minute help, I found cute plus-size costumes on Torrid or and even better custom-made ones via Etsy.
Someone at Walmart Thinks Women Wear “Fat Girl Costumes”