Living life to the fullest starts with simple, everyday decisions. Here, we arm you with easy advice to help you be your most beautiful self. Confidence, happiness and inner harmony shine through on your face. These tips will help get you there!
This gallery of advice was created by YouBeauty and is sponsored by Strivectin. Tell us what you’d do now that you’ve never had the chance to do before. Tweet, Instagram or visit #YouthList.
1Spread the Love

Helping others boosts happiness twofold—both in yourself and others—can increase your longevity by 60 percent. Choose a charity to participate in, or express gratitude towards others by holding a door open, saying “thank you” to a helpful stranger, or simply telling a family member that you love them.
2Prioritize Friendship

People with strong and diverse social networks have stronger immune systems. Meeting up with a friend instead of pulling an all-nighter at work might save you some sick days down the road. How’s that for productivity?
3Eat and Drink Right

How you eat dramatically impacts skin. Egg yolks, legumes, avocados and nuts all contain biotin, essential for supple skin. Salmon improves skin’s elasticity; green tea protects against sun damage and thickens skin; and pomegranates preserve skin’s youthful plumpness. Red, orange or yellow fruits and vegetables (along with dark green vegetables) have carotenoids that improve skintone.
4Smile More!

Your mega-watt smile has proven feel-good benefits to everyone around you. One study found that looking at an attractive face activates the brain’s orbitofrontal cortex—the area that processes rewards—but looking at a smiling attractive face makes it light up like a Christmas tree.
This gallery of advice was created by YouBeauty and is sponsored by Strivectin. Tell us what you’d do now that you’ve never had the chance to do before. Tweet, Instagram or visit #YouthList.
5Find Your Flow

When was the last time you were so immersed in something that you lost track of time? That’s called flow, and it can help you enjoy life and feel a strong sense of self-esteem. For some, flow may be writing or reading, while for others, it could be biking, composing or cooking. The key part of flow is that you are being challenged.
MORE: Take This Quiz to Determine Your Perfect Flow Activity
6Revel in Nature

People who live near nature experience less stress, and even a mini-retreat improves cognitive functioning. If you can’t sneak away, arrange your workspace so you have an outdoor view—or invest in a nature calendar.
7Tend to Your Skin

A flawless complexion is the holy grail of beauty, because a gorgeous complexion signals to the opposite sex that you’re healthy. Keep your skin looking flawless with a daily cleanser and moisturizer, plus a once-a-week exfoliating treatment to keep things glowing.
This gallery of advice was created by YouBeauty and is sponsored by Strivectin. Tell us what you’d do now that you’ve never had the chance to do before. Tweet, Instagram or visit #YouthList.
8Find Pockets of Joy

Humor is one of the many ways that we find happiness and pleasure in the world around us. It starts with finding joy in the little things in your life. Keep a gratitude journal to savor everything you notice and enjoy each week.
9Express Gratitude

One of the easiest (and scientifically proven!) ways to become happier is to express gratitude. Be thankful for something or someone every day, even if it’s as simple as saying “thanks” to someone. Write a note. Send an email. You’ll be happier and more beautiful for it, and they will too!
10Spend Your Money Wisely

Spending money on experiences (sky diving lessons, wine tastings, dinner with friends, a new and novel experience) rather than possessions (yet another purse) will make you happier. Also, donating money to charity will make you happier than if you spent it on yourself.
Get more tips on living your happiest life. Take our Happiness Quiz!
11Make a Sleep Schedule and Stick to It!

Your internal clock runs best when you have a consistent bedtime and wake time. Remember: “Go to bed at 11 p.m.,” doesn’t mean, “Start getting ready for bed at 11 p.m.” Factor in a half-hour beforehand to prepare for the morning, wash up and wind down with 10 minutes of restful meditation. Bonus: Try dimming the lights an hour before bed to prep your body for sleep.
How well do you sleep? Find out with our newly redesigned Sleep Quiz (and share your tips with your friends).
12Own a Pet

Pet owners are healthier and happier, period. Furry friends open us up to deeper, more meaningful connections. Don’t have a pet? Volunteer at a shelter or look into a fostering program—you’ll be happier for it!
This gallery of advice was created by YouBeauty and is sponsored by Strivectin. Tell us what you’d do now that you’ve never had the chance to do before. Tweet, Instagram or visit #YouthList.
13Strive for Your Goals

Stress is a natural response to obstacles in your life, but this mild anxiety helps you succeed and push yourself to a new level. Make a list of 10 things you’ve always wanted to do. Pick one and get started today.
See how you handle your stress. Take our Stress Quiz.
14Exercise Early

A morning workout routine can boost your energy throughout the day, making you more efficient and ready to tackle your busy schedule. If you can only fit in fitness at night, avoid working out less than two hours before bedtime since it can disrupt your beauty sleep. Instead, give yourself plenty of time to unwind post-sweat session before hitting the hay.
15Put Effort Into Spicing Up Your Sex Life

Spiritual connection is a much stronger motivator for you than physical attraction or sex, but in the long term, the most satisfied couples tend to have satisfying sex lives too. We’re not saying you need to get it on all the time, but do make time for a little intimacy. Plus, it’ll boost your beauty. Sex naturally flushes your cheeks and lips, staves off wrinkles and relieves stress.
16Start Moving!

It’s the best way to achieve the body you want. Overzealous goals will go the way of New Year’s resolutions, so start small, like a walk around the block during lunch or after work. As you feel—and see—the benefits, you’ll naturally want to do more.
This gallery of advice was created by YouBeauty and is sponsored by Strivectin. Tell us what you’d do now that you’ve never had the chance to do before. Tweet, Instagram or visit #YouthList.
17Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is sort of like a health and beauty cure-all, and that extends to your face. Researchers in Sweden have found that sleep-deprived people appear less attractive than their well-rested peers, so aim for 6.5-8 hours of quality shut-eye per night.
18Order First at Restaurants

When a researcher at the University of Texas studied binge eating, half of the episodes occurred at restaurants. Always be the first of your group to order. Research shows that people who order last choose the least healthy meal, since their choice has been swayed by the whims of the group. Knowing that, if the appetizer looks amazing, order it, but share it.
19Go Gentle on Your Hair

Shiny, voluminous hair is is an instant youth-ifier. Most breakage occurs from everyday wear and tear. Everything you do to your hair—brushing, blow-drying, styling—can tear it. So be careful! Towel dry it gently, comb wet hair with a wide tooth comb, and use dry shampoo to extend your time between blow dries.
20Block Out More “Me” Time

Even selfless people need a little “self time”—time that’s carved out for you and only you when you can do whatever your heart desires. Take a long walk, go to a movie, get lunch with friends, whatever you enjoy. You spend so much time tending to other people’s needs that it’s important to spend a little time addressing your own.
This gallery of advice was created by YouBeauty and is sponsored by Strivectin. Tell us what you’d do now that you’ve never had the chance to do before. Tweet, Instagram or visit #YouthList.