
Working hard will get you far in your career. However, you should keep your life balanced and find alone time that will help you to relax and take care of yourself. Taking a bath after a long day is a great way to recharge your batteries, and these bath bombs will make it a more enjoyable experience.

Flight by Lush
If you need something to energize you after a long day, this bath bomb is a perfect choice. The explosion of colors will work as a wake-up call, while the citrus scent will pamper your senses. The out of this world colors will make your bath a delightful experience that will help you forget about your problems and fully relax. In contrast, the oils in the formulation will make your skin soft and hydrated.

Da Bomb”F” Bath Bomb
This bath bomb will transform your bath into the lavender field. The vibrant purple color will surround you and make your bath a more enjoyable experience. The scent of lavender aids relaxation, which is why this bath bomb is the perfect choice after a stressful day. Also, you don’t have to worry about the cleanup process, as this bath bomb won’t stain your tub or your skin.


Ouai Chill Pills
The name of this product describes it perfectly. One tub contains six bath bombs you can use whole or separate them in two for a less intense smell. If you like your bath to be simple yet relaxing and don’t enjoy colored bath bombs, it will create the perfect bath experience for you. It is infused with jasmine and rose and smells heavenly. Jojoba, Safflower, and Hemp Seed oil will reduce the texture of your skin and make it feel silky smooth.

Vagisil Scentsitive Scents V-friendly Bath Bomb
If you have sensitive skin or bath bombs tend to give you UTIs, you don’t have to miss out on relaxing baths, thanks to this bath bomb by Vagisil that is pH-friendly. It comes in Peach Blossom and White Jasmine scents, which will make your bathroom a calm oasis. The bath bomb is also formulated with vitamin E and chamomile, which will help moisturize and soothe your skin without causing irritations.