Home Beauty Page 19


Makeup and Skincare in One

Who else loves two-in-one products? It is like a mini holiday when you only need to purchase one item, make room in your purse for one item, and grab one item to get multiple...

Inner Beauty Versus Outer Beauty

Every morning we look in the mirror and see ourselves. Maybe we see a new zit, stretch marks, or any number of factors that make us beautiful. We spend so much time considering this...

Thought-Provoking Beauty Brands

Beauty brands can no longer launch without some concept beyond "this is skincare" or "this is makeup." With the beauty space so packed that even the most prominent beauty lovers cannot possibly get their...

Everything you Need to Know About Hyaluronic Acid

You've surely heard the term hyaluronic acid at least once in the past week. It could've been in an Instagram ad, on a Neutrogena commercial, or even from your BFF. This is a highly...

Take Your Day Makeup into Night

Work-appropriate makeup is lovely. It's subtle. It's natural. It's for work. But when you're heading out to play, you want to amp up your beauty routine. But who has the time to completely reapply everything...

Are Trendy Facials Worth It?

Facials have long been a go-to for intensive skincare results. From clearing acne to boosting collagen, facials can truly make all the difference. But whether you choose to do it yourself or head to...

The Best Beauty Gurus on Youtube

With so many beauty gurus online nowadays, it’s impossible to watch them all. But it’s also challenging to find the ones you relate to or who offer the information and guidance you may be...

Embrace Your Body Hair

As women, we have a lot to worry about. But should removing all of our body hair really be one of those things? Of course, it is totally up to you to choose how...

Lash Growth Serums: Do they work?

If you have short, straight, and practically nonexistent lashes, then you have probably looked into lash growth serums from time to time. But you may have come out of your research feeling overwhelmed by...

How To Get A Longer-Lasting Shave

Removing body hair is probably one of the more frustrating parts of our beauty routines. It can be a real hassle, especially when you have to repeat the process daily from your legs to...


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