We all want thick, healthy hair that is soft and shiny. There are many different products and treatments available to achieve this. Looking for a natural way to stimulate hair growth? Rice water! Used for years in many Eastern countries, rice water is loved for its nourishing and healing properties. Kim Kardashian is also said to be a fan of using it as a hair treatment. Not only is it packed full of moisturizing and strengthening ingredients, but it also contains a high amount of vitamins and minerals that further contribute to smoother, stronger locks.

What Are The Benefits of Rice Water?
There are many benefits to using rice water as a hair treatment, including the following:

    • It contains selenium which reduces dandruff and promotes hair growth
    • It contains amino acids which work to strengthen and repair dry and damaged hair
    • It contains magnesium which helps stimulate healthy cell production and hair growth for fuller-looking hair
    • It contains niacin and vitamin B3 which prevents dullness and strengthens the hair

What You’ll Need For Your DIY Rice Water Hair Treatment
You will need the below items and ingredients to make your DIY rice water hair treatment:

    • 1 cup of any organic rice
    • A bowl
    • Water


1. Firstly, rinse your uncooked rice grains and then drain the water.
2. Place your clean rice in a bowl adding 1-1 ½ cups of water. Let this soak for at least an hour.
3. Strain the rice, saving the water.
4. Wash your hair with shampoo, then rinse.
5. Massage the rice water into your hair and scalp. Let it sit for approximately 20 minutes to an hour then rinse.
6. Repeat the treatment process 1-2 times a week for smoother, healthier hair.