How to Tip at Hair Salons:
Master stylist and co-founder of Warren-Tricomi Salons, Edward Tricomi, advises to always tip 20% after any hair service.
What if you’re using an online discount or coupon (like Groupon)? Still tip 20% on the original cost of the treatment.
However, your tip should still be a reflection of your level of satisfaction. “If you’re extremely satisfied with the service and you like the person, then you should tip more. If you’re very unhappy with the service, your tip should reflect that too,” Tricomi said.
So you’ve got that covered — but what about during holiday season? During the holidays, Tricomi advised to get in the spirit of given and tip a bit extra. “It’s a celebratory and joyous time of year and you should reflect that,” he explained. “For everybody that works in a service business, their salary is based on their tips so it’s always important to be generous.”
Tricomi also recommended tipping everyone included in your service — the person who shampoos your hair, the coat check attendant and even the person who blow drys your hair (if different from you original stylist). They are all providing a service and should be tipped accordingly (I recommend $2-$5 for the people mentioned above).