5 DIY All-Natural Beauty Recipes for Clearer, Healthier Skin

Courtesy of Skin Cleanse
Courtesy of Skin Cleanse

Cleansing Mud
by Adina Grigore, founder of S.W. Basics skincare and author of “Skin Cleanse

1/4 tsp powdered cinnamon
1 Tbsp dry clay
3 Tbsp coconut milk

Mix cinnamon and clay in a small bowl. Pour in coconut milk, stirring the liquid into the dry powder evenly (use a fork or whisk to break up any clumps). Eventually, it will become a paste. Apply like a wet face scrub with a cotton ball or with your hands. You can leave it on until it dries or rinse off immediately. The mud dries out quickly, so this recipe makes only about two applications. You’ll want to make a fresh batch each time you use it.