
Usually sporting long, touseled locks, Dakota Johnson has decided to make a big hair change. The “Fifty Shades of Grey” star cut her hair into a chic, blunt bob:

Dakota Johnson
Splash News

Maybe she’s prepping for a hot summer in NYC, or just reveling in the freedom she has now between being tied (get it?) to the “Fifty Shades” franchise and the natural, homely look of her character. Either way, we love the new ‘do on her. To be honest, we’re completely game with whatever she wants to do to her hair, as long as she keeps those fabulous bangs.

.Johnson has experimented with a handful of dye jobs — People StyleWatch calls her a “hair chameleon” — from her Anastasia Steele brown, to a highlighted look, to full-on platinum. But this is the first time we’ve seen her change up the length. The new cut frames her oval face nicely, and is a style-savvy change from her usual “done undone” look.


MORE: Dakota Johnson’s Pubic Hair in “Fifty Shades” Was Just a Special Effect