More so than usual, it seemed, celebs went wild with their hair this year. From rainbow color to on-purpose grey to microbangs, Hollywood embraced “personality” styles that set a bold example for us normal folks and our curling irons. Here are the ladies who inspired schools of young women to chop it and dye it in 2014:
1Jennifer Hudson

Jennifer Hudson went from her luscious extensions to a stark bowl cut, shaved in the back, topped off with this pastel lilac/grey shade. Matched with the marsala – Pantone’s color of the year – on her lips, J. Hud did justice to the rainbow hair trend.
2Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham tried out a few rainbow colors this year, but our favorite (and the most unique) was this neon green. Chances are it won’t be making a cameo on “Girls,” but it did inspireo some of her costars …
3Jemima Kirke4

“Girls” star Jemima Kirke has kept her strawberry locks for most of the winter, and that means she even wore them to the opening of the Met Opera. She classed up her rainbow look with a full blowout and a matching pink dress for one of the last places in NYC that people still get dressed up.
4Zosia Mamet

Zosia Mamet was the next “Girl” to hop on the dyed hair trend. Zosia went extra-natural instead of neon by going intentionally gray. Who knew Shoshanna had a secret punk rock aesthetic?

The bob came back in a big way this year. But we never would have guessed that Beyoncé would have chopped off her famous waves to embrace what could have turned out to be a passing trend. Thankfully the look had staying power, probably in part to Queen B stepping out in her take on the look at a Nets game.

Rihanna shaved both sides of her head and added extensions for a confusing yet badass look. I love Rihanna wholeheartedly, so no shade. I’ll just stop here instead.
7Katy Perry

Katy Perry took the inspiration for her neon red from an unlikely source. She left in her brunette roots and went full-blown fire engine with the rest (much like a Muppet pal whose hair none of the rest of us ever thought to admire).
8Ms. Minaj

The queen of bold hair didn’t let us down this year, but of course she couldn’t go Bride of Frankenstein without her trademark swipe of pink. Kudos, Ms. Minaj.

Did you really think Beyoncé was only going to make one cameo in a slideshow about good hair? Her bob a thing of the past, the Queen’s blessed forehead took on a new challenge: micro bangs. She succeeded with a (half) smile, which is more than most of us would have if we tried those teeny tiny full-forehead bangs.