1The Herbalist

Serves 1
1/2-inch cucumber round, chopped into chunks
2 fresh sage leaves
1/4 oz honey syrup*
4 dashes Urban Moonshine chamomile bitters
1 ¾ oz gin
1 lime round, for garnish
Muddle sage, honey, cucumber and bitters in a mixing glass (beforehand, check out this video on the do’s and don’ts of muddling). Add gin and ice and shake vigorously. Strain into a rocks glass and garnish with lime. Serve.
*To make honey syrup: Combine equal parts honey and warm water, stir to dissolve.
2Juniper Breeze

Serves 1
1 ½ oz gin
½ oz St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur
1 oz fresh grapefruit juice
½ oz 100% cranberry juice (not cranberry juice cocktail)
¼ oz fresh lime juice
5 dashes Urban Moonshine Organic Citrus Digestive Bitters
1 lime wedge, for garnish
Combine all ingredients in a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously. Strain into chilled cocktail glass and garnish with lime. Serve.
3The Pollinator

Serves 1
1/2 oz lemon juice
1/2 oz honey
5 dashes Urban Moonshine Chamomile Bitters
2 oz vodka
1/4 tsp freshly grated ginger
Soda water
1 lemon wedge, for garnish
Combine the lemon juice, honey and bitters in a Tom Collins glass, stir to combine. Add vodka, freshly grated ginger and ice. Top with soda water and garnish with lemon. Serve.
4Old Vermont

A recipe uncovered by John Gertsen, general manager of Drink in Boston.
Serves 1
1 3/4 oz gin (London dry style)
1/4 oz pure maple syrup
1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
1/2 oz fresh orange juice
3 dashes Urban Moonshine Organic Maple Digestive Bitters, plus more
Shake all ingredients vigorously and strain into a chilled glass. Top off with 2 more dashes of Urban Moonshine Maple Bitters for a full-bodied, aromatic experience. Serve.
5Urban Moonshine Cocktail

Serves 1
1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
Fresh thinly sliced ginger, to taste
5 dashes Urban Moonshine Organic Original Digestive Bitters
3 oz vodka
3 oz Reed’s Ginger Brew
1 lemon wedge, for garnish
Muddle fresh ginger with the lemon juice and bitters. Add vodka and ice, stir and pour into a Tom Collins glass, and top with ginger brew. Garnish wish lemon wedge. Serve.
6Maple Old Fashioned

Serves 1
Orange peel
¼ oz pure maple syrup
4 dashes Urban Moonshine Organic Maple Digestive Bitters
2 oz rye or scotch whiskey
Combine orange peel, maple syrup and bitters in an old fashioned cocktail glass. Press the orange peel along its length with a muddler (don’t smash the peel into pieces, just press it to express the oils from the zest). Add scotch and one large ice cube or several small ice cubes and stir gently. Serve.