Face masks have casually become a part of our everyday lives. Knowing how to effectively wear and use them is critical. Many myths are floating around about face masks and how to use them, how not to use them, and whether they even work. Here are four myths about wearing face masks that you probably didn’t know.
Myth 1: I Don’t Need To Wear A Mask Unless I’m Sick
Many people believe that they don’t need to wear a mask to prevent spreading any bacteria unless they have the virus. One of the main things we have learned about Coronavirus is that many people that catch it can show little or no clear symptoms. As it can be hard to determine whether or not someone has the virus, it makes sense for everyone to wear a mask. This helps prevent anyone from unknowingly passing it on through coughing, sneezing, or talking.
Myth 2: The Mask Only Needs To Cover My Mouth
When wearing your mask, it mustn’t just cover your mouth but also your nose as you can quickly spread or catch germs through your nostrils. Ensure that your mask is comfortable around your mouth and nose and isn’t too tight, allowing you to breathe without feeling too restricted.
Myth 3: Wearing A Mask Will Make Me Sick
There has been some recent confusion regarding the potential dangers of wearing a cloth face mask. Many people claimed they thought that wearing a mask could cause you to rebreathe the carbon dioxide you’re exhaling, making you sick. This is very unlikely to happen when wearing a face mask, especially if you’re only wearing it for short periods.
Myth 4: Masks Are Safe For Everyone To Wear
Not everyone has to and should wear a face mask. Anyone that has trouble breathing and children under the age of two shouldn’t wear masks. Always consult your doctor if you have concerns about how to adequately protect yourself while keeping everyone around you safe.