
Sticking to a healthy diet takes a lot of time, effort, and commitment, making it easy to fall off the bandwagon if you’re not fully prepared. Many people struggle to find the time to cook healthy meals from scratch every day. Whether you work long hours, night shifts, or have a hectic lifestyle, here are some top tips on how to cut your cooking time daily.

Invest in a Slow Cooker 

Not only are slow cookers a lifesaver in the winter, but they can also be super handy to use in summer too. All you need to do is buy pre-prepared and chopped vegetables and meat, research some simple recipes and throw everything in the slow cooker first thing in the morning. You can then leave it on a low temperature all day so that when you get home, your whole family’s meal is made with less time wasted and minimal mess!


Batch Cook Meals 

Even if you’re only cooking for two of you, batch cooking your meals is a great way to cut your cooking time daily. The best way to do this is to pre-plan what meals you want to cook for the week ahead and designate one day, such as a Sunday, to cook these meals in bulk. You can then portion them out into Tupperware boxes and refrigerate and freeze them, so you always have healthy meals to hand that simply need heating.

Try a Recipe Box 

You may have heard of Gousto or Hello Fresh, and these recipe subscription box services are a perfect way to cut down on your time spent shopping and cooking while introducing you to new and exciting meals you may not have previously tried. You pick your meals a week in advance, and then a box gets delivered full of fresh, measured out ingredients along with recipe cards so you can quickly and easily make healthy meals for the whole family. There is also no waste, and you can even choose from a selection of ‘10 minute meals’ if you want to cut down your time in the kitchen even more.