You probably exercise, or at least try to, and you attempt to cook healthy to get nutrition into your body. You use beauty products and follow doctor and dentist advice. But our bet is you’re probably not paying as much attention to the muscles that hold our internal organs up and keep our sexual health in tip-top shape.
While post-menopausal women are often advised to start doing Kegels to aid with incontinence, you should start exercising the pelvic floor muscles well before that. These muscles help with those daily tasks like urination and bowel movements. Plus, strong pelvic muscles will ensure you don’t pee yourself ever time you laugh or cough later on in life and after childbirth. Have we mentioned the sex being better yet?
Kegels essentially train the pelvic floor muscles to contract efficiently and with strength. The simplest way to do Kegels is to simply contract your pelvic muscles several times a day. The best way to describe what you should be contracting is to squeeze as if you’re trying to prevent yourself from passing gas, but now focus on the front. Alternatively, squeeze the entire thing (front and back) to target the entire sling-like muscle.
Sitting in traffic? Do 5-10 contractions. Hold the squeeze and release. It may feel odd and uncomfortable at first, but as you get used to it, it becomes more comfortable.
If you have the cash to spare, you can invest in a trainer, like the Elvie Trainer which also comes with an app. The app will remind you when you should be doing your Kegels, then you simply slip the device in and it measures your progress.
How long should you be doing Kegels for benefits? Well, it’s a muscle like any other in your body. So, imagine you’ve been doing bicep curls and built muscles and then stop. Eventually, you will lose that progress. In short, you should continue with the exercises for the rest of your life. Luckily, this isn’t as intensive as a gym session, and you can literally do them anywhere! Enjoy the new sensations and more pleasure in bed!