Let’s be honest: The aftertaste of green juice, no matter how delicious, is regret. That $12 beverage may be packed with antioxidants but you can literally save an orphan for the cost of that Juice Press. Plus, I’m still hungry afterwards. We’ve scoured high and low for a replacement without the word “pastry” in it, and Chef Joe Yaple at Kimpton’s EPIC Hotel has just the solution – chilled tomato water. It’s light, refreshing, and you can make a whole batch of it at once to tide you over for a few days. Intriguingly, you can also use it for Bloody Marys.

Your new favorite drink is made from pure tomatoes, so you won’t find any of the unnecessary sweeteners that get added to some juices. Tomatoes have Vitamin A, B, and C, plus Vitamin K and calcium, so you’re building potassium, bone strength, immune health, and skin with your simple glass of juice. Enjoy!

5 Summer Red Tomatoes
Kosher Salt
Granulated Sugar

Coffee Filters
Plastic Pitcher

1. Chop tomatoes and place in blender.
2. Blend on high until very smooth consistency.
3. Season with salt and sugar, blend, then taste. Adjust the sweetness to your preference.
4. Place cheesecloth over strainer. Put the strainer over plastic container and pour puree on the cheese cloth.
5. Place weight (a few canned goods will work) on top of cheese cloth to force liquid out of tomato.
6. Let the puree sit and strain for about an hour.
7. Pour newly strained liquid through a coffee filter over a plastic pitcher.
8. Place in fridge and let sit over night.
9. The next morning, you will have delicious tomato water! Enjoy solo… or as a bloody mary.

READ MORE: 10 Easy, Healthy Breakfast Recipes